Journal Article (156)
- Belluzzi L., Riva S., Janett G., Guerreiro N., Riva F., Benedusi P., del Pino Alemán T., Alsina Ballester E., Trujillo Bueno J., Štepán J. (forthcoming) Accurate PRD modeling of the forward-scattering Hanle effect in the chromospheric Ca i 4227 Å line
- Riva F., Steiner O., Freytag B. (2024) Simulating small-scale dynamo action in cool main-sequence stars
- Li H., del Pino Alemán T., Trujillo Bueno J., Zeuner F. (2024) Observation and Modeling of the Circular Polarization of the Cr I Magnetic-field-induced Transition at 533.03 nm
- Zeuner F., del Pino Alemán T., Trujillo Bueno J., Solanki S. (2024) Comparing Observed with Simulated Solar-disk-center Scattering Polarization in the Sr I 4607 Å Line
- Janett G., Benedusi P., Riva F. (2024) Numerical solutions to linear transfer problems of polarized radiation - IV. Efficient preconditioning in a physics-based framework
- Ndacyayisenga T., Uwamahoro J., Raja K., Uwamahoro J., Kwisanga C., Monstein C. (2024) An Assessment of Solar Cycle 25 progress through observation of SRBs and associated Geomagnetic Storms
- Aguilar-Rodriguez E., Vourlidas A., Corona-Romero P., Monstein C., Reeve W., Romero-Hernandez E., Andrade-Mascote E., Villanueva-Hernandez P., Peralta-Mendoza I., Perez-Leon J., Perez-Tijerina E. (2024) Radio Signature of the Strong Compression between a Streamer and a Coronal Hole Boundary
- Guerreiro N., Janett G., Riva S., Benedusi P., Belluzzi L. (2024) Modeling the scattering polarization in the solar Ca I 4227 Å line with angle-dependent PRD effects and bulk velocities
- Pesce-Rollins M., Klein K., Krucker S., Warmuth A., Veronig M., Omodei N., Monstein C. (2024) Evidence for flare-accelerated particles in large scale loops in the behind-the-limb gamma-ray solar flare of September 29, 2022
- Hettiarachchi Y., Adassuriya J., Jayaratne C., Jayawardhana S., Monstein C. (2024) The analysis of type II and type III solar radio bursts: GUI for the e-CALLISTO data
- Kravtsov V., Veledina A., Berdyugin A., Zdziarski A., Henson G., Piirola V., Sakanoi T., Kagitani M., Berdyugina S., Poutanen J. (2023) Peering into the tilted heart of Cyg X-1 with high-precision optical polarimetry
- Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Trujillo Bueno J. (2023) The Potential of the Wavelength-integrated Scattering Polarization of the Hydrogen Ly-alpha Line for Probing the Solar Chromosphere
- Ishikawa R., Trujillo Bueno J., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., del Pino Alemán T., McKenzie D., Auchère F., Kobayashi K., Okamoto T., Rachmeler L., Song D. (2023) Evidence for the Operation of the Hanle and Magneto-optical Effects in the Scattering Polarization Signals Observed by CLASP2 across the Mg II h and k Lines
- Stenflo J. (2023) Cosmological Constant from Boundary Condition and Its Implications beyond the Standard Model
- Berdyugin A., Piirola V., Bagnulo S., Landstreet J., Berdyugina S. (2023) Discovery of magnetic fields in five DC white dwarfs
- Janett G., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., del Pino Alemán T., Trujillo Bueno J. (2023) The Impact of Angle-dependent Partial Frequency Redistribution on the Scattering Polarization of the Solar Na I D Lines
- Rackham B., Espinoza N., Berdyugina S., Korhonen H., MacDonald R., Montet B., Morris B., Oshagh M., Shapiro A., Unruh Y., Quintana E., Zellem R., Apai D., Barclay T., Barstow J., Bruno G., Carone L., Casewell S., Cegla H., Criscuoli S., Fischer C., Fournier D., Giampapa M., Giles H., Iyer A., Kopp G., Kostogryz N., Krivova N., Mallonn M., McGruder C., Molaverdikhani K., Newton E., Panja M., Peacock S., Reardon K., Roettenbacher R., Scandariato G., Solanki S., Stassun K., Steiner O., Stevenson K., Tregloan-Reed J., Valio A., Wedemeyer S., Welbanks L., Yu J., Alam M., Davenport J., Deming D., Dong C., Ducrot E., Fisher C., Gilbert E., Kostov V., López-Morales M., Line M., Močnik T., Mullally S., Paudel R., Ribas I., Valenti J. (2023) The effect of stellar contamination on low-resolution transmission spectroscopy: needs identified by NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Study Analysis Group 21
- Pohjolainen S., Talebpour Sheshvan N., Monstein C. (2023) Separating the effects of earthside and far side solar events. A case study
- Canivete Cuissa J., Steiner O., Tziotziou K., Scullion E., Shelyag S., Khomenko E., Tsiropoula G., Wedemeyer S., Kontogiannis I., Yadav N., Kitiashvili I., Skirvin S., Dakanalis I., Kosovichev A., Fedun V. (2023) Vortex Motions in the Solar Atmosphere
- Benedusi P., Riva S., Zulian P., Štěpán J., Belluzzi L., Krause R. (2023) Scalable matrix-free solver for 3D transfer of polarized radiation in stellar atmospheres
- Battaglia A., Wang W., Saqri J., Podladchikova T., Veronig A., Collier H., Dickson E., Podladchikova O., Monstein C., Warmuth A., Schuller F., Harra L., Krucker S. (2023) Identifying the energy release site in a solar microflare with a jet
- Pohjolainen S., McKay D., Talebpour Sheshvan N., Monstein C. (2023) Repeated Type III Burst Groups Associated with a B-Class Flare and a Narrow-Width CME
- Riva S., Guerreiro N., Janett G., Rossinelli D., Benedusi P., Krause R., Belluzzi L. (2023) Assessment of the CRD approximation for the observer's frame RIII redistribution matrix
- Bussons Gordo J., Fernández Ruiz M., Prieto Mateo M., Alvarado Díaz J., Chávez de la O F., Ignacio Hidalgo J., Monstein C. (2023) Automatic Burst Detection in Solar Radio Spectrograms Using Deep Learning: deARCE Method
- Canivete Cuissa J., Teyssier R. (2022) Toward fully compressible numerical simulations of stellar magneto-convection with the RAMSES code
- Rachmeler L., Trujillo Bueno J., McKenzie D., Ishikawa R., Auchère F., Kobayashi K., Kano R., Okamoto T., Bethge C., Song D., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., del Pino Alemán T., Asensio Ramos A., Yoshida M., Shimizu T., Winebarger A., Kobelski A., Vigil G., De Pontieu B., Narukage N., Kubo M., Sakao T., Hara H., Suematsu Y., Štěpán J., Carlsson M., Leenaarts J. (2022) Quiet Sun Center to Limb Variation of the Linear Polarization Observed by CLASP2 Across the Mg II h and k Lines
- C. Q., co-Authors a. (2022) The European Solar Telescope
- Canivete Cuissa J., Teyssier R. (2022) Toward fully compressible numerical simulations of stellar magneto-convection with the RAMSES code
- Canivete Cuissa J., Steiner O. (2022) An innovative and automated method for vortex identification. I. Description of the SWIRL algorithm
- Krawczynski H., Muleri F., Dovčiak M., Veledina A., Cavero N., Svoboda J., Ingram A., Matt G., Garcia J., Loktev V., Negro M., Poutanen J., Kitaguchi T., Podgorn'y J., Rankin J., Zhang W., Berdyugin A., Berdyugina S., Bianchi S., Blinov D., Capitanio F., Lalla N., Draghis P., Fabiani S., Kagitani M., Kravtsov V., Kiehlmann S., Latronico L., Lutovinov A., Mandarakas N., Marin F., Marinucci A., Miller J., Mizuno T., Molkov S., Omodei N., Petrucci P., Ratheesh A., Sakanoi T., Semena A., Skalidis R., Soffitta P., Tennant A., Thalhammer P., Tombesi F., Weisskopf M., Wilms J., Zhang S., Agudo I., Antonelli L., Bachetti M., Baldini L., Baumgartner W., Bellazzini R., Bongiorno S., Bonino R., Brez A., Bucciantini N., Castellano S., Cavazzuti E., Ciprini S., Costa E., Rosa A., Monte E., Gesu L., Marco A., Donnarumma I., Doroshenko V., Ehlert S., Enoto T., Evangelista Y., Ferrazzoli R., Gunji S., Hayashida K., Heyl J., Iwakiri W., Jorstad S., Karas V., Kolodziejczak J., Monaca F., Liodakis I., Maldera S., Manfreda A., Marscher A., Marshall H., Mitsuishi I., Ng C., O’Dell S., Oppedisano C., Papitto A., Pavlov G., Peirson A., Perri M., Pesce-Rollins M., Pilia M., Possenti A., Puccetti S., Ramsey B., Romani R., Sgr`o C., Slane P., Spandre G., Tamagawa T., Tavecchio F., Taverna R., Tawara Y., Thomas N., Trois A., Tsygankov S., Turolla R., Vink J., Wu K., Xie F., Zane S. (2022) Polarized x-rays constrain the disk-jet geometry in the black hole x-ray binary Cygnus X-1
- Zeuner F., Belluzzi L., Guerreiro N., Ramelli R., Bianda M. (2022) Hanle rotation signatures in Sr I 4607 Å
- Wuensche C., Villela T., Abdalla E., Liccardo V., Vieira F., Browne I., Peel M., Radcliffe C., Abdalla F., Marins A., Barosi L., Brito F., Queiroz A., Wang B., Costa A., Ferreira E., Fornazier K., Landim R., Novaes C., Santos L., dos Santos M., Zhang J., Chen T., Delabrouille J., Dickinson C., de Gasperis G., Gurjão E., Harper S., Ma Y., Machado T., Maffei B., de Mericia E., Monstein C., Motta P., Otobone C., Reitano L., Remazeilles M., Roychowdhury S., Santos J., Serres A., Souza A., Strauss C., Vieira J., Xu H. (2022) The BINGO project - II. Instrument description
- Song D., Ishikawa R., Kano R., McKenzie D., Trujillo Bueno J., Auchère F., Rachmeler L., Okamoto T., Yoshida M., Kobayashi K., Bethge C., Hara H., Shinoda K., Shimizu T., Suematsu Y., De Pontieu B., Winebarger A., Narukage N., Kubo M., Sakao T., Asensio Ramos A., Belluzzi L., Štěpán J., Carlsson M., Del Pino Alemán T., Alsina Ballester E., Vigil G., Leenaarts J. (2022) Polarization Accuracy Verification of the Chromospheric LAyer SpectroPolarimeter
- Benedusi P., Janett G., Riva S., Krause R., Belluzzi L. (2022) Numerical solutions to linear transfer problems of polarized radiation. III. Parallel preconditioned Krylov solver tailored for modeling PRD effects
- Jaume Bestard J., Trujillo Bueno J., Bianda M., Štěpán J., Ramelli R. (2022) Spectropolarimetric observations of the solar atmosphere in the Halpha 6563 Å line
- Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Bueno J. (2022) The transfer of polarized radiation in resonance lines with partial frequency redistribution, J-state interference, and arbitrary magnetic fields. A radiative transfer code and useful approximations
- Peter H., Alsina Ballester E., Andretta V., Auchère F., Belluzzi L., Bemporad A., Berghmans D., Buchlin E., Calcines A., Chitta L., Dalmasse K., del Pino Alemán T., Feller A., Froment C., Harrison R., Janvier M., Matthews S., Parenti S., Przybylski D., Solanki S., Štěpán J., Teriaca L., Trujillo Bueno J. (2022) Magnetic imaging of the outer solar atmosphere (MImOSA)
- Riva F., Steiner O. (2022) Methodology for estimating the magnetic Prandtl number and application to solar surface small-scale dynamo simulations
- Quintero Noda C., Schlichenmaier R., Khomenko E., Bellot Rubio L., Löfdahl M., Jurcak J., Bianda M., Belluzzi L., Berdyugina S., Ramelli R., Zeuner F. (2022) The European Solar Telescope
- Marassi A., Monstein C. (2022) Trieste CALLISTO Station Setup and Observations of Solar Radio Bursts
- Wisniewski J., Berdyugin A., Berdyugina S., Danchi W., Dong R., Oudmaijer R., Airapetian V., Brittain S., Gayley K., Ignace R., Langlois M., Lawson K., Lomax J., Rich E., Tamura M., Vink J. (2022) UV spectropolarimetry with Polstar: protoplanetary disks
- Janett G., Alsina Ballester E., Guerreiro N., Riva S., Belluzzi L., del Pino Alemán T., Trujillo Bueno J. (2021) Modeling the scattering polarization of the solar Ca i 4227 A line with angle-dependent partial frequency redistribution
- Fleck B., Carlsson M., Khomenko E., Rempel M., Steiner O., Vigeesh G. (2021) Acoustic-gravity wave propagation characteristics in three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic simulations of the solar atmosphere
- Ndacyayisenga T., Uwamahoro J., Raja K., Monstein C. (2021) A statistical study of solar radio Type III bursts and space weather implication
- Keys P., Steiner O., Vigeesh G. (2021) On the effect of oscillatory phenomena on Stokes inversion results
- Vigeesh G., Roth M., Steiner O., Fleck B. (2021) On the influence of magnetic topology on the propagation of internal gravity waves in the solar atmosphere
- Kouloumvakos A., Rouillard A., Warmuth A., Magdalenic J., Jebaraj I., Mann G., Vainio R., Monstein C. (2021) Coronal Conditions for the Occurrence of Type II Radio Bursts
- Battaglia A., Canivete Cuissa J., Calvo F., Bossart A., Steiner O. (2021) The Alfvénic nature of chromospheric swirls
- Kharayat H., Joshi B., Mitra P., Manoharan P., Monstein C. (2021) A Transient Coronal Sigmoid in Active Region NOAA 11909: Build-up Phase, M-class Eruptive Flare, and Associated Fast Coronal Mass Ejection
- Joshi B., Mitra P., Bhattacharyya R., Upadhyay K., Oberoi D., Raja K., Monstein C. (2021) Two-Stage Evolution of an Extended C-Class Eruptive Flaring Activity from Sigmoid Active Region NOAA 12734: SDO and Udaipur-CALLISTO Observations
- Lightner C., Gisler D., Meyer S., Niese H., Keitel R., Norris D. (2021) Measurement of Raman Optical Activity with High-Frequency Polarization Modulation
- Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Trujillo Bueno J. (2021) Solving the Paradox of the Solar Sodium D$_1$ Line Polarization
- Clette F., Lefèvre L., Bechet S., Ramelli R., Cagnotti M. (2021) Reconstruction of the Sunspot Number Source Database and the 1947 Zurich Discontinuity
- Ndacyayisenga T., Umuhire A., Uwamahoro J., Monstein C. (2021) Space weather study through analysis of solar radio bursts detected by a single-station CALLISTO spectrometer
- Paganini A., Hashemi B., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L. (2021) Fast and accurate approximation of the angle-averaged redistribution function for polarized radiation
- Ishikawa R., Javier T., Tanausu P., Okamoto T., McKenzie D., Auch`ere F., Kano R., Song D., Yoshida M., Rachmeler L., Kobayashi K., Hara H., Kubo M., Narukage N., Sakao T., Shimizu T., Suematsu Y., Bethge C., Pontieu B., Dalda A., Vigil G., Winebarger A., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Štěpán J., Andrés A., Carlsson M., Leenaarts J. (2021) Mapping solar magnetic fields from the photosphere to the base of the corona
- Di Campli R., Ramelli R., Bianda M., Furno I., Sajal K., Belluzzi L. (2020) Imaging spectropolarimetry for magnetic field diagnostics in solar prominences
- Mokhtar W., Hamidi Z., Abidin Z., Ibrahim Z., Monstein C. (2020) Data background levels of the metre and decimetre wavelength observations by E-CALLISTO network: the Gauribidanur and Greenland sites
- Pauzi F., Abidin Z., Guo S., Gao G., Dong L., Monstein C. (2020) Investigation into CME Shock Speed Resulting from Type II Solar Radio Bursts
- Prieto M., Gordo J., Rodríguez-Pacheco J., Martínez A., Sánchez S., Russu A., Monstein C., Fernández R. (2020) Increase in Interference Levels in the 45 – 870 MHz Band at the Spanish e-CALLISTO Sites over the Years 2012 and 2019
- Nagendra K., Sowmya K., Sampoorna M., Stenflo J., Anusha L. (2020) Importance of Angle-dependent Partial Frequency Redistribution in Hyperfine Structure Transitions Under the Incomplete Paschen-Back Effect Regime
- Capozzi E., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Bianda M., Sajal K., Ramelli R. (2020) Observational indications of magneto-optical effects in the scattering polarization wings of the Ca I 4227 Å line
- Canivete Cuissa J., Steiner O. (2020) Vortices evolution in the solar atmosphere - A dynamical equation for the swirling strength
- Stenflo J. (2020) Cosmological constant caused by observer-induced boundary condition
- Baumgartner ., Bernardini M., Canivete Cuissa J., de Laroussilhe H., Mitchell A., Neuenschwander B., Saha P., Schaeffer T., Soyuer D., Zwick L. (2020) Towards a polarization prediction for LISA via intensity interferometry
- Fischer C., Vigeesh G., Lindner P., Borrero J., Calvo F., Steiner O. (2020) Interaction of Magnetic Fields with a Vortex Tube at Solar Subgranular Scale
- Mahender A., Raja K., Ramesh R., Panditi V., Monstein C., Ganji Y. (2020) A Statistical Study of Low-Frequency Solar Radio Type III Bursts
- Zeuner F., Sainz R., Feller A., Noort M., Solanki S., Iglesias F., Reardon K., Pillet V. (2020) Solar Disk Center Shows Scattering Polarization in the Sr I 4607 Å Line
- Wiehr E., Stellmacher G., Bianda M. (2019) Evidence for the Two-fluid Scenario in Solar Prominences
- Dhara S., Capozzi E., Gisler D., Bianda M., Ramelli R., Berdyugina S., Alsina E., Belluzzi L. (2019) Observations on spatial variations of the Sr I 4607 Å scattering polarization signals at different limb distances with ZIMPOL
- Vigeesh G., Roth M., Steiner O., Jackiewicz J. (2019) Internal Gravity Waves in the Magnetized Solar Atmosphere. II. Energy Transport
- Janett G., Steiner O., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Mishra S. (2019) A novel fourth-order WENO interpolation technique. A possible new tool designed for radiative transfer
- Singh D., Raja K., Subramanian P., Ramesh R., Monstein C. (2019) Automated Detection of Solar Radio Bursts Using a Statistical Method
- Stenflo J. (2019) Origin of the cosmological constant
- Dhara S., Capozzi E., Gisler D., Bianda M., Ramelli R., Berdyugina S., Alsina E., Belluzzi L. (2019) Spatial variations of the Sr I 4607 Åscattering polarization signals at subgranular scale observed with ZIMPOL at the GREGOR telescope
- Sampoorna M., Nagendra K., Sowmya K., Stenflo J., Anusha L. (2019) Polarized Line Formation in Arbitrary Strength Magnetic Fields: The Case of a Two-level Atom with Hyperfine Structure Splitting
- Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., J. T. (2019) Magnetic Sensitivity in the Wing Scattering Polarization Signals of the Hydrogen Lyman-α Line of the Solar Disk Radiation
- Koval A., Chen Y., Tsugawa T., Otsuka Y., Shinbori A., Nishioka M., Brazhenko A., Stanislavsky A., Konovalenko A., Zhang Q., Monstein C., Gorgutsa R. (2019) Direct Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances as Focusers of Solar Radiation: Spectral Caustics
- Zeuner F., Feller A., Iglesias F., Solanki S. (2018) Detection of spatially structured scattering polarization of Sr I 4607.3 Å with the Fast Solar Polarimeter
- Calvo F., Belluzzi L., Steiner O. (2018) Structure of the Balmer jump. The isolated hydrogen atom
- Janett G., Paganini A. (2018) Formal Solutions for Polarized Radiative Transfer. III. Stiffness and Instability
- Janett G., Steiner O., Belluzzi L. (2018) Formal Solutions for Polarized Radiative Transfer. IV. Numerical Performances in Practical Problems
- Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Bueno J. (2018) Magneto-optical Effects in the Scattering Polarization Wings of the Ca I 4227 Å Resonance Line
- Bianda M. (2018) Comparison of theoretical and observed Ca8542 Stokes profiles in quiet regions at the centre of the solar disc
- Bianda M., Berdyugina S., Gisler D., Ramelli R., Belluzzi L., Carlin E., Stenflo J., Berkefeld T. (2018) Spatial variations of the Sr i 4607 A scattering polarization peak
- Salhab R., Steiner O., Berdyugina S., Freytag B., Rajaguru S., Steffen M. (2018) Simulation of the small-scale magnetism in main-sequence stellar atmospheres
- Dhara S., Belur R., Kumar P., Banyal R., Mathew S., Joshi B. (2017) Trigger of Successive Filament Eruptions Observed by SDO and STEREO
- Stenflo J. (2017) History of Solar Magnetic Fields Since George Ellery Hale
- Ishikawa R., Bueno J., Uitenbroek H., Kubo M., Tsuneta S., Goto M., Kano R., Narukage N., Bando T., Katsukawa Y., Ishikawa S., Giono G., Suematsu Y., Hara H., Shimizu T., Sakao T., Winebarger A., Kobayashi K., Cirtain J., Champey P., Auch`ere F., epán J., Belluzzi L., Ramos A., Sainz R., Pontieu B., Ichimoto K., Carlsson M., Casini R. (2017) Indication of the Hanle Effect by Comparing the Scattering Polarization Observed by CLASP in the Lyα and Si III 120.65 nm Lines
- Kano R., Bueno J., Winebarger A., Auchère F., Narukage N., Ishikawa R., Kobayashi K., Bando T., Katsukawa Y., Kubo M., Ishikawa S., Giono G., Hara H., Suematsu Y., Shimizu T., Sakao T., Tsuneta S., Ichimoto K., Goto M., Belluzzi L., Stepán J., Ramos A., Sainz R., Champey P., Cirtain J., Pontieu B., Casini R., Carlsson M. (2017) Discovery of Scattering Polarization in the Hydrogen Ly-α Line of the Solar Disk Radiation
- Janett G., Steiner O., Belluzzi L. (2017) Formal Solutions for Polarized Radiative Transfer. II. High-order Methods
- Vigeesh G., Jackiewicz J., Steiner O. (2017) Internal Gravity Waves in the Magnetized Solar Atmosphere. I. Magnetic Field Effects
- Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Trujillo Bueno J. (2017) The Transfer of Resonance Line Polarization with Partial Frequency Redistribution in the General Hanlen-Zeeman Regime
- Giono G., Ishikawa R., Narukage N., Kano R., Katsukawa Y., Kubo M., Ishikawa S., Bando T., Hara H., Suematsu Y., Winebarger A., Kobayashi K., Auchère F., Bueno J., Tsuneta S., Shimizu T., Sakao T., Cirtain J., Champey P., Ramos A., epán J., Belluzzi L., Sainz R., Pontieu B., Ichimoto K., Carlsson M., Casini R., Goto M. (2017) Polarization Calibration of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter for a 0.1% Polarization Sensitivity in the VUV Range. Part II: In-Flight Calibration
- Sampoorna M., Nagendra K., Stenflo J. (2017) Polarized Line Formation in Arbitrary Strength Magnetic Fields Angle-averaged and Angle-dependent Partial Frequency Redistribution
- Carlin E., Bianda M. (2017) Spatiotemporal Evolution of Hanle and Zeeman Synthetic Polarization in a Chromospheric Spectral Line
- Janett G., Carlin E., Steiner O., Belluzzi L. (2017) Formal Solutions for Polarized Radiative Transfer. I. The DELO Family
- Bueno J., Degl'Innocenti E., Belluzzi L. (2017) The Physics and Diagnostic Potential of Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry
- Jafarzadeh S., Solanki S., Stangalini M., Steiner O., Cameron R., Danilovic S. (2017) High-frequency Oscillations in Small Magnetic Elements Observed with Sunrise/SuFI
- Steiner O., Züger F., Belluzzi L. (2016) Polarized radiative transfer in discontinuous media
- Supriya H., Sampoorna M., Nagendra K. (2016) Polarized Line Formation with Lower-level Polarization and Partial Frequency Redistribution
- Kubo M., Katsukawa Y., Suematsu Y., Kano R. (2016) Discovery of Ubiquitous Fast-Propagating Intensity Disturbances by the Chromospheric Lyman α Spectropolarimeter (CLASP)
- Privitera G., Meynet G., Eggenberger P., Georgy C. (2016) High surface magnetic field in red giants as a new signature of planet engulfment?
- Calvo F., Steiner O., Freytag B. (2016) Non-magnetic photospheric bright points in 3D simulations of the solar atmosphere
- Carlin E., Bianda M. (2016) The Key Role of Solar Dynamics in the Chromospheric Hanle Polarization
- Cortesi S., Cagnotti M., Bianda M., Ramelli R., Manna A. (2016) Sunspot Observations and Counting at Specola Solare Ticinese in Locarno Since 1957
- Stenflo J. (2016) Transition of the Sunspot Number from Zurich to Brussels in 1980: A Personal Perspective
- Kato Y., Steiner O., Hansteen V., Gudiksen B. (2016) Chromospheric and Coronal Wave Generation in a Magnetic Flux Sheath
- Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Trujillo Bueno J. (2016) The Magnetic Sensitivity of the Mg ii k Line to the Joint Action of Hanle, Zeeman, and Magneto-optical Effects
- Privitera G., Meynet G., Eggenberger P., Vidotto A. (2016) Star-planet interactions. I. Stellar rotation and planetary orbits
- Privitera G., Meynet G., Eggenberger P., Vidotto A. (2016) Star-planet interactions. II. Is planet engulfment the origin of fast rotating red giants?
- Stenflo J. (2015) Physics of Polarized Scattering at Multi-level Atomic Systems
- Stenflo J. (2015) History of Solar Magnetic Fields Since George Ellery Hale
- Belluzzi L., Landi Degl'Innocenti E., Trujillo Bueno J. (2015) Isotropic Inelastic Collisions in a Multiterm Atom with Hyperfine Structure
- Tremblay P., Fontaine G., Freytag B., Steiner O., Ludwig H., Steffen M., Wedemeyer S., Brassard P. (2015) On the Evolution of Magnetic White Dwarfs
- Stenflo J. (2015) FTS atlas of the Sun's spectrally resolved center-to-limb variation
- Carlin E., Asensio Ramos A. (2015) Chromospheric Diagnosis with Ca II Lines: Forward Modeling in Forward Scattering. I
- Belluzzi L., Trujillo Bueno J., Landi Degl'Innocenti E. (2015) Radiative Transfer Modeling of the Enigmatic Scattering Polarization in the Solar Na I D1 Line
- Steiner O., Salhab R., Freytag B., Rajaguru P., Schaffenberger W., Steffen M. (2014) Properties of small-scale magnetism of stellar atmospheres
- Sowmya K., Nagendra K., Sampoorna M., Stenflo J. (2014) Polarized Light Scattering with the Paschen-Back Effect, Level-crossing of Fine Structure States, and Partial Frequency Redistribution
- Smitha H., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2014) The Quantum Interference Effects in the Sc II 4247 Å Line of the Second Solar Spectrum
- Sowmya K., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Sampoorna M. (2014) Polarized Scattering with Paschen-Back Effect, Hyperfine Structure, and Partial Frequency Redistribution in Magnetized Stellar Atmospheres
- Ishikawa R., Asensio Ramos A., Belluzzi L., Manso Sainz R., Stepan J., Trujillo Bueno J., Goto M., Tsuneta S. (2014) On the Inversion of the Scattering Polarization and the Hanle Effect Signals in the Hydrogen Ly-alpha Line
- Supriya H., Smitha H., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Ramelli R., Ravindra B., Anusha L. (2014) Center-to-limb Observations and Modeling of the Ca I 4227 Å line
- Stenflo J. (2013) Solar magnetic fields as revealed by Stokes polarimetry
- Stenflo J., Demidov M., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2013) Calibration of the 6302/6301 Stokes V line ratio in terms of the 5250/5247 ratio
- Stenflo J. (2013) Horizontal or vertical magnetic fields on the quiet Sun. Angular distributions and their height variations
- Sampoorna M., Nagendra K., Stenflo J. (2013) Line-interlocking Effects on Polarization in Spectral Lines by Rayleigh and Raman Scattering
- Smitha H., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Sampoorna M. (2013) Modeling the Quantum Interference Signatures of the Ba II D2 4554 Å Line in the Second Solar Spectrum
- Smitha H., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Sampoorna M., Ramelli R., Anusha L. (2012) J-state interference signatures in the second solar spectrum. Modeling the Cr i triplet at 5204-5208 Å
- Ramelli R., Stellmacher G., Wiehr E., Bianda M. (2012) Helium Emissions Observed in Ground-Based Spectra of Solar Prominences
- Anusha L., Nagendra K., Bianda M., Stenflo J., Holzreuter R., Sampoorna M., Frisch H., Ramelli R., Smitha H. (2011) Analysis of the Forward-scattering Hanle Effect in the Ca I 4227 Å Line
- Kleint L., Shapiro A., Berdyugina S., Bianda M. (2011) Solar turbulent magnetic fields: Non-LTE modeling of the Hanle effect in the C2 molecule
- Shapiro A., Fluri D., Berdyugina S., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2011) NLTE modeling of Stokes vector center-to-limb variations in the CN violet system
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Anusha L., Stenflo J., Nagendra K., Holzreuter R., Sampoorna M., Frisch H., Smitha H. (2011) Observations of the forward scattering Hanle Effect the Ca I 4227 Å Line
- Kleint L., Berdyugina S., Shapiro A., Bianda M. (2010) Solar turbulent magnetic fields: surprisingly homogeneous distribution during the solar minimum
- Anusha L., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Sampoorna M., Frisch H., Holzreuter R., Ramelli R. (2010) Generalization of the Last Scattering Approximation for the Second Solar Spectrum Modeling: The Ca I 4227 Å Line as a Case Study
- Martínez González M., Manso Sainz R., Asensio Ramos A., López Ariste A., Bianda M. (2010) Statistical Analysis of the very Quiet Sun Magnetism
- Sampoorna M., Stenflo J., Nagendra K., Bianda M., Ramelli R., Anusha L. (2009) Origin of Spatial Variations of Scattering Polarization in the Wings of the Ca I 4227 Å line
- Bommier V., Martínez González M., Bianda M., Frisch H., Asensio Ramos A., Gelly B., Landi Degl'Innocenti E. (2009) The quiet Sun magnetic field observed with ZIMPOL on THEMIS. I. The probability density function
- Afram N., Berdyugina S., Fluri D., Semel M., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2007) First polarimetric observations and modeling of the FeH F4Δ-X4Δ system
- Berdyugina S., Fluri D., Ramelli R., Bianda M., Gisler D., Stenflo J. (2006) First Polarimetric Measurements and Modeling of the Paschen-Back Effect in CaH Transitions
- Bianda M., Benz A., Stenflo J., Küveler G., Ramelli R. (2005) Absence of linear polarization in Hα emission of solar flares
- Asensio Ramos A., Trujillo Bueno J., Bianda M., Manso Sainz R., Uitenbroek H. (2004) Observation of the Molecular Zeeman Effect in the G Band
- Wiehr E., Bianda M. (2003) High spatial resolution solar polarimetry with interference filters
- Wiehr E., Bianda M. (2003) Solar prominence polarimetry
- Dalrymple N., Bianda M. (2002) Fast Flat Fields from Moving Extended Sources
- Stenflo J., Gandorfer A., Holzreuter R., Gisler D., Keller C., Bianda M. (2002) Spatial mapping of the Hanle and Zeeman effects on the Sun
- Bianda M., Stenflo J., Solanki S. (1999) Hanle effect observations with the CaI 4227 Å line
- Bianda M., Stenflo J., Solanki S. (1998) Hanle diagnostics of solar magnetic fields: the SrII 4078 Å line
- Bianda M., Solanki S., Stenflo J. (1998) Hanle depolarisation in the solar chromosphere
- Stenflo J., Bianda M., Keller C., Solanki S. (1997) Center-to-limb variation of the second solar spectrum.
- Sütterlin P., Wiehr E., Bianda M., Kueveler G. (1997) Problems in measuring prominence oscillations.
- Solanki S., Rueedi I., Bianda M., Steffen M. (1996) On the detection of shocks in the solar granulation.
- Wittmann A., Alge E., Bianda M. (1993) Detection of a significant change in the solar diameter
- Wittmann A., Alge E., Bianda M. (1991) Recent results on the solar diameter
Book (7)
- Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2014) Evoluzione e variabilità del campo magnetico cromosferico e fotosferico solare
- Stenflo J., Nagendra K., Qu Q., Sampoorna M. (2013) Proceedings of the Solar Polarization Workshop 7 (SPW7)
- Berdyugina S., Ramelli R., Nagendra K. (2009) Proceedings of the Solar Polarization Workshop 5 (SPW5)
- Ramelli R., Stenflo J., Shalabiea O., Saleh I. (2006) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Solar Physics and Solar Eclipses (SPSE 2006)
- Bianda M. (2003) Observations of scattering polarization and the Hanle effect in the Sun’s atmosphere
- Gandorfer A. (2002) The Second Solar Spectrum: A high spectral resolution polarimetric survey of scattering polarization at the solar limb in graphical representation. Volume II: 3910 AA to 4630 AA
- Gandorfer A. (2000) The Second Solar Spectrum: A high spectral resolution polarimetric survey of scattering polarization at the solar limb in graphical representation. Volume I: 4625 AA to 6995 AA
Technical report (13)
- Radio Astronomy Frequencies C., Winkel B., Garrington S., Colomer F., Madkour W., Slowikowska A., Bolli P., Lindqvist M., López-Pérez J., Morten Tangen L., Thomas I., Thomasson P., Witvers R., McCauley J., Bautista M., Bergano M., Bezrukovs V., Giovanardi F., Hase H., Jiricka K., Józsa G., Kallunki J., Marqué C., McKay D., Murk A., Pietu V., Tornatore V., Sethole B., Soida M., Sorokin B., Tan G., Tiplady A., Tóth L., Di Vruno F., Wampfler S., Williams A., Yerin S., Bray J., Jessner A., Gizani N., Monstein C., Peel M., Salmim Ferreira J., Smith H., Veldes G., Wolak P. (2023) Preserving your skies since 1988 -- Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies (CRAF) -- Periodic Review 2011-2021
- Setzer M., Küveler G., Zuber A., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2013) Der Sonne auf der Spur
- Küveler G., Dao V., Ramelli R. (2012) Benutzeroberflächen für die Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit astronomischer Einrichtungen
- Küveler G., Dao V., Ramelli R. (2011) The new IRSOL solar telescope control system
- Kleint L., Feller A., Gisler D. (2011) Imaging spectropolarimetry with two LiNbO3 Fabry Prot interferometers and a spectrograph
- Küveler G., Dao V., Zuber A., Ramelli R. (2010) Robotic and Non-Robotic Control of Astrophysical Instruments
- Bulgheroni A., Bianda M., Caccia M., Cappellini C., Mozzanica A., Ramelli R., Risigo F. (2006) Characterization of a thinned back illuminated MIMOSA V sensor as a visible light camera
- Weisshaar E., Küveler G., Bianda M. (2003) Schnelle und genaue Methode zur Schwerpunktfindung in Messreihen
- Küveler G., Klein R., Bianda M. (2003) Einsatz industrieller Bildverarbeitung in der Grundlagenforschung
- Küveler G., Wiehr E., Bianda M. (2000) Eine sensorgestützte Computersteuerung für Sonnenteleskope
- Küveler G., Wiehr E., Thomas D., Harzer M., Bianda M., Epple A., Sütterlin P., Weisshaar E. (1998) Automatic guiding of the primary image of solar Gregory telescopes
- Bianda M., Küveler G. (1993) L’automatizzazione di un osservatorio
- Küveler G., Bianda M. (1993) Ein Observatorium wird automatisiert – Computereinsatz in der professionellen Astronomie
Conference proceedings (1)
Conference poster (1)
Article in conference proceedings (134)
- McKenzie D., Ishikawa R., Bueno J., Auch`ere F., Kobayashi K., Winebarger A., Kano R., Song D., Okamoto T., Kobelski A., Rachmeler L., Pontieu B., Vigil G., Belluzzi L., Alsina Ballester E., Aleman T., Bethge C. (2023) Demonstration of Chromospheric Magnetic Mapping with CLASP2.1
- Fischer C., Woeger F., Rimmele T., Keys P., Steiner O., Gangadharan V., Jafarzadeh S., Canivete Cuissa J. (2023) Chromospheric horizontal propagating shock waves revealed by fast cadence imaging in Ca II K with DKIST's Visible Broadband Imager
- Makela J., Wu Q., Monstein C., Habarulema J., Groves K., Jakowski N., Amory C. (2023) Ground-based infrastructure for improved space weather specification at low latitudes
- Höfig L., Temmer M., Koller F., Drescher L., Monstein C. (2023) ROBUST - a radio burst identification algorithm using the e-CALLISTO station at University of Graz
- Mario F., Javier B., Manuel P., Monstein C. (2022) Automatic detection of e-Callisto solar radio bursts by Deep Neural Networks
- Zeuner F., Gisler D., Bianda M., Ramelli R., Berdyugina S. (2022) Enhancing the accuracy of solar polarimetry by coalescing slow and fast modulation: method description and first performance tests
- Riva F., Canivete Cuissa J., Steiner O. (2022) Simulations of the small scale surface dynamo of cool main sequence stars
- McKenzie D., Ishikawa R., J. T., Auchere F., Aleman T., Okamoto T., Kano R., Song D., Yoshida M., Rachmeler L., Kobayashi K., Narukage N., Kubo M., Ishikawa S., Hara H., Suematsu Y., Sakao T., Bethge C., B. D., Vigil G., Winebarger A., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Stepan J., A. A., Carlsson M., Leenaarts J. (2021) Mapping of Solar Magnetic Fields from the Photosphere to the Top of the Chromosphere with CLASP2
- Riva F., Steiner O. (2021) Methodology for estimating the magnetic Prandtl number and application to solar surface small-scale dynamo simulations
- Degl'Innocenti E., Belluzzi L. (2019) Relaxation Phenomena Due to Collisions with Neutral Perturbers in Hyperfine Structure Multiplets
- Sampoorna M., Nagendra K., Frisch H., Stenflo J. (2019) Effects of Angle-Dependent Partial Frequency Redistribution on Polarized Line Profiles
- Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L., Bueno J. (2019) The Transfer of Resonance Line Polarization with PRD in the General Hanle-Zeeman Regime
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Berdyugina S., Belluzzi L., Kleint L. (2019) Measurement of the Evolution of the Magnetic Field of the Quiet Photosphere over a Solar Cycle
- Steiner O. (2019) Horizontal vortex tubes at the edges of solar granulation
- Steiner O. (2019) Non-magnetic bright points as a manifestation of vortex flows
- Steiner O. (2019) Aspects of magnetohydrodynamic simulations of stellar atmospheres
- Ramelli R. (2019) High precision polarimetry at IRSOL
- Steiner O., Franz M. (2019) DKIST Use Case UC-125
- Janett G., Steiner O., Belluzzi L. (2019) Numerical Methods for the Radiative Transfer Equation of Polarized Light
- Steiner O. (2019) Waves and swirls
- McKenzie D., Ishikawa R., Bueno J., Auchére F., Rachmeler L., Kubo M., Kobayashi K., Winebarger A., Bethge C., Narukage N., Kano R., Ishikawa S., Pontieu B., Carlsson M., Yoshida M., Belluzzi L., Štěpán J., Alemán T., Alsina Ballester E., Ramos A. (2019) CLASP2: The Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Setzer M., Enegelhard M., Paglia F., Stenflo J., Küveler G., Plewe R. (2019) Atlas of the Solar Intensity Spectrum and its Center-to-Limb Variation
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Gisler D., Belluzzi L., Carlin E. (2019) Second Solar Spectrum Observations with ZIMPOL
- Ishikawa R., Bueno J., Uitenbroek H., Kubo M., Tsuneta S., Goto M., Kano R., Narukage N., Bando T., Katsukawa Y., Ishikawa S., Giono G., Suematsu Y., Hara H., Shimizu T., Sakao T., Winebarger A., Kobayashi K., Cirtain J., Champey P., Auch`ere F., Štěpán J., Belluzzi L., Ramos A., Sainz R., Pomtieu B., Ichimoto K., Carlsson M., Casini R. (2019) Comparison of Scattering Polarization Signals Observed by CLASP: Possible Indication of the Hanle Effect
- K. Upadhyay ., Monstein C. (2019) Solar Radio Observation Using CALLISTO at the USO/PRL, Udaipur
- Steiner O. (2019) Aspects of multi-dimensional radiation transfer in stellar atmospheres
- Sampoorna M., Nagendra K., Sowmya K., Stenflo J., Anusha L. (2019) Polarized Line Formation with Incomplete Paschen-Back Effect and Partial Frequency Redistribution
- Ramelli R., Cagnotti M., Cortesi S., Bianda M., Manna A. (2018) Sunspot data collection of Specola Solare Ticinese in Locarno
- Steiner O. (2018) On flux tubes and irradiance: reminiscences and news
- Steiner O. (2018) On flux tubes and irradiance: reminiscences and news
- Capozzi E., Dahara S., Gisler D., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2018) Feasibility study for a dedicated filter based polarimeter system for large telescopes: comparing two different cameras
- Steiner O. (2018) The Sun our star
- Steiner O. (2018) The quest of the horizontal magnetic field
- Steiner O. (2017) Science challenges for EST
- Janett G., Steiner O., Belluzzi L. (2017) Formal Solutions for the Polarized Radiative Transfer Equation
- Steiner O., Salhab R., Franz M. (2017) Intensity contrast and distribution on the solar surface: old wisdom with a surprising twist
- Steiner O. (2017) Why numerical simulations?
- Calvo F., Steiner O., Štěpán J. (2017) The linear polarization of the solar continuum radiation from numerical simulations of the solar atmosphere
- Rachmeler L., McKenzie D., Ishikawa R., Bueno J., Auchère F., Kobayashi K., Winebarger A., Bethge C., Kano R., Kubo M., Song D., Narukage N., Ishikawa S., Pontieu B., Carlsson M., Yoshida M., Belluzzi L., Stepan J., Alemná T., Alsina Ballester E., Ramos A. (2017) CLASP2: The Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter
- Steiner O., Calvo F., Salhab R., G.Vigeesh . (2017) CO5BOLD for MHD: progresses and deficiencies .
- Vigeesh G., Steiner O., Calvo F., Roth M. (2017) On the effect of vorticity on the propagation of internal gravity waves.
- Steiner O., Salhab R. (2017) Simulation of the small-scale magnetism in main sequence stellar atmospheres
- Wiehr ., Bianda M. (2016) The Electron Density in a Quiescent Prominence
- Janett G., Steiner O. (2016) Polarized Radiative Transfer in Stellar Atmospheres
- Steiner O. (2016) From small-scale magnetism to the large-scale dynamo
- Stenflo J. (2016) The Sun's spectrally resolved center-to-limb variation
- Ramelli R. (2016) Sunspot observations and the Sunspot Number
- Setzer M., Engelhard M., Ramelli R., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Küveler G., Plewe R. (2015) Atlas of the center to limb variation of the solar intensity spectrum
- Stenflo J. (2015) Coherence structure of D1 scattering
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Berdyugina S., Kleint L., Goroberts A., Stenflo J., Belluzzi L. (2015) Synoptic program to measure the evolution of the photospheric hidden magnetic field during a solar cycle
- Calvo F., Steiner O. (2015) Non-magnetic bright points in 3D simulations of the solar atmosphere
- Supriya H., Smitha H., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Ravindra B., Ramelli R., Anusha L. (2015) Modeling the center-to-limb variation of the Ca i 4227 Å line using FCHHT models
- Calvo F., Steiner O., Freytag B. (2015) 3-D radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations of the near surface layers of the Sun
- Steiner O., Züger F., Belluzzi L. (2015) Polarized radiative transfer in discontinuous media
- Carlin E. (2015) Chromospheric diagnosis with forward scattering polarization
- Trujillo Bueno J., Del Pino Alemán T., Belluzzi L. (2015) Atomic Scattering Polarization. Observations, Modeling, Predictions
- Sowmya K., Nagendra K., Sampoorna M., Stenflo J. (2015) Paschen-Back effect involving atomic fine and hyperfine structure states
- Smitha H., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Sampoorna M., Ramelli R. (2015) A revisit to model the Cr i triplet at 5204-5208 Å and the Ba ii D2 line at 4554 Å in the Second Solar Spectrum
- Steiner O. (2015) Why numerical simulations?
- Steiner O. (2014) The dynamic chromosphere: a gentle introduction to chromospheric physics
- Stenflo J. (2014) Nature of Quiet-Sun Magnetic Fields
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Gisler D., Stenflo J. (2014) Solar Cycle Variations of the Second Solar Spectrum
- Smitha H., Nagendra K., Stenflo J., Sampoorna M. (2014) The Role of Quantum Interference and Partial Redistribution in the Solar Ba II D2 4554 Å Line
- Ramelli R., Gisler D., Bianda M., Bello González N., Berdyugina S., Soltau D. (2014) First successful deployment of the ZIMPOL-3 system at the GREGOR telescope
- Ramelli R., Gisler D., Bianda M., Bello González N., Berdyugina S., Soltau D. (2014) First successful deployment of the ZIMPOL-3 system at the GREGOR telescope
- Demidov M., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2014) Conversion of the 6302 / 6301 Stokes V Line Ratio to the 5250 / 5247 Ratio for the Diagnostics of Quiet-Sun Magnetic Fields
- Landi Degl'Innocenti E., Belluzzi L. (2014) Theoretical Schemes for the Interpretation of Solar Polarimetric Observations: An Overview and Some New Ideas
- Wiehr E., Stellmacher G., Ramelli R., Bianda M. (2013) The Hot Skin of Prominence Structures
- Setzer M., Lübke S., Küveler G., Zuber A., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2013) Computersteuerung für einen Sonnenspektrografen.
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Stenflo J., Berdyugina S., Gisler D., Defilippis I., Bello González N. (2013) The project of installing a ZIMPOL 3 polarimeter at GREGOR in Tenerife
- Setzer M., Lübke S., Küveler G., Zuber A., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2013) Computersteuerung für einen Sonnenspektrografen
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Gisler D., Stenflo J., Defilippis I. (2013) Absolute calibration in solar scattering polarization measurements with ZIMPOL
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Stenflo J., Gisler D. (2013) IRSOL observing programs and interactions with data collected by space missions.
- Stenflo J. (2013) Nature of the solar dynamo at small scales
- Ramelli R., Bianda M. (2013) Spectropolarimetry with ZIMPOL-3 at the IRSOL observatory
- Setzer M., Küveler G., Zuber A., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2012) Automatisierung eines Sonnenspektrografen
- Einarsen L., Rodenhuis M., Snik F., Keller C., Stam D., de Kok R., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2012) Multiwavelength imaging polarimetry of Venus at various phase angles
- Sigismondi C., Raponi A., De Rosi G., Bianda M., Ramelli R., Caccia M., Maspero M., Negrini L., Wang X. (2012) Atmospheric fluctuations below 0.1 Hz during drift-scan solar diameter measurements
- Frisch H., Anusha L., Bianda M., Holzreuter R., Nagendra K., Ramelli R., Sampoorna M., Smitha H., Stenflo J. (2012) Forward-scattering Hanle effect in the solar Ca i 4227 Å line
- Anusha L., Stenflo J., Frisch H., Bianda M., Holzreuter R., Nagendra K., Sampoorna M., Ramelli R. (2011) Linear Polarization of the Solar Ca I 4227 Å Line: Modeling with Radiative Transfer and Last Scattering Approximation
- Ramelli R., Trujillo Bueno J., Bianda M., Asensio Ramos A. (2011) Exploring the Magnetic Fields of Solar Prominences and Spicules via He I D3 spectropolarimetry
- Sigismondi C., Raponi A., Wang X., De Rosi G., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2011) The power spectrum of the seeing during solar observations
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Stenflo J., Anusha L., Nagendra K., Sampoorna M., Holzreuter R., Frisch H. (2011) Observations of the solar Ca I 4227 Å line
- Stepan J., Trujillo Bueno J., Ramelli R., Bianda M. (2011) Scattering polarization and the Hanle effect in Hα as a probe of chromospheric magnetism: Modeling vs. Observations
- Kleint L., Berdyugina S., Shapiro A., Bianda M. (2010) Turbulent Magnetic Fields in the Quiet Sun: A Search for Cyclic Variations
- Ramelli R., Bucher R., Rossini L., Bianda M., Balemi S. (2010) Adaptive optics system for the IRSOL solar observatory
- Stenflo J. (2010) Probability distribution functions for solar and stellar magnetic fields
- Ramelli R., Balemi S., Bianda M., Defilippis I., Gamma L., Hagenbuch S., Rogantini M., Steiner O., Stenflo J. (2010) ZIMPOL-3: a powerful solar polarimeter
- Stenflo J. (2010) Probability distribution functions for the Sun's magnetic field
- Ramelli R., Bucher R., Rossini L., Bianda M., Balemi S. (2010) Adaptive optics system for the IRSOL solar observatory
- Ramelli R., Balemi S., Bianda M., Defilippis I., Gamma L., Hagenbuch S., Rogantini M., Steiner O., Stenflo J. (2010) ZIMPOL-3: a powerful solar polarimeter
- Kleint L., Berdyugina S., Gisler D., Shapiro A., Bianda M. (2010) A synoptic program for large solar telescopes: Cyclic variation of turbulent magnetic fields
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Gisler D. (2009) Observing the Second Solar Spectrum at IRSOL
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Trujillo Bueno J., Belluzzi L., Landi Degl'Innocenti E. (2009) Observations of the Joint Action of the Hanle and Zeeman Effects in the D2 line of BaII
- Oklay N., Gandorfer A., Solanki S., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2009) Spectropolarimetric Investigations of the Deep Photospheric Layers of Solar Magnetic Structures
- Ramelli R., IRSOL_Collaborators . (2009) Observational programs at Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno”,
- Kleint L., Feller A., Bianda M. (2008) Combination of two Fabry-Perot etalons and a grating spectrograph for imaging polarimetry of the Sun
- Ramelli R. (2008) Instrumental developments and scientific programs at Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno (IRSOL)
- Kleint L., Berdyugina S., Bianda M. (2008) Synoptic program - Variations of the Turbulent magnetic field
- Sigismondi C., Bianda M., Arnaud J. (2008) European Projects of Solar Diameter Monitoring
- Dao V., Küveler G., Ramelli R., Zuber A. (2008) Kommando orientiertes Automatisierungssystem auf TCP-Basis – Command Server
- Feller A., Ramelli R., Stenflo J., Gisler D. (2007) Measurement of the Polarization of the Flash Spectrum during a Total Solar Eclipse
- Ramelli R., Bianda M. (2007) Instrumental developments and scientific programs at Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno (IRSOL)
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Feller A., Stenflo J., Küveler G. (2007) Instrumental developments at the Gregory Coudé Telescope (GCT) at IRSOL
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Trujillo Bueno J., Belluzzi L., Landi Degl'Innocenti E. (2007) Observations of the joint action of the Hanle and Zeeman effects in the D2 line of BaII
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Stenflo J. (2007) Variation of the second solar spectrum with the solar cycle.
- Trujillo Bueno J., Ramelli R., Merenda L., Bianda M. (2007) The Magnetic Field of Solar Chromospheric Spicules
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Trujillo Bueno J., Merenda L., Stenflo J. (2006) Spectro-Polarimetry of Solar Prominences
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Trujillo Bueno J., Stenflo J. (2006) Spectro-Polarimetric Observations of Filaments in Hα and He D3
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Stenflo J., Jetzer P. (2006) Solar Research Programs at IRSOL, Switzerland
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Merenda L., Trujillo Bueno J. (2006) The Hanle and Zeeman Effects in Solar Spicules
- Feller A., Ramelli R., Stenflo J., Gisler D. (2006) First measurement of the polarization of the flash spectrum during a total solar eclipse
- Feller A., Stenflo J., Gisler D., Ramelli R. (2006) Eclipse Instrument to Record the Polarization of the Flash Spectrum
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Trujillo Bueno J., Merenda L., Stenflo J. (2005) Spectropolarimetric Observations of Prominences and Spicules
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Trujillo Bueno J., Merenda L., Stenflo J. (2005) Spectropolarimetric Observations of Prominences and Spicules, and Magnetic Field Diagnostics
- Ramelli R., Bianda M. (2005) He-D3 polarization observed in prominences
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Trujillo Bueno J., Stenflo J. (2005) Spectropolarimetric observations of filaments in Hα and D3
- Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2005) Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno: Instrumentation and Scientific Projects in Polarimetry
- Ramelli R., Bianda M., Trujillo Bueno J., Merenda L., Stenflo J. (2005) Spectropolarimetry of Solar Prominences”
- Ramelli R., Merenda L., Trujillo Bueno J., Bianda M. (2005) The Hanle and Zeeman Effects in Solar Spicules
- Bianda M., Jetzer P., Rima A. (2003) The Locarno Gregory-Coudé Telescope after 1984. A short history and a summary of the most important results
- Küveler G., Wiehr E., Bianda M. (2003) Automatic guiding of solar Gregory telescopes
- Bianda M., Stenflo J., Gandorfer A., Gisler D., Küveler G. (2003) Search for Impact Polarization in Hα flares
- Küveler G., Wiehr E., Bianda M. (2003) Automatic Guiding of Solar Gregory Telescopes
- Bianda M., Stenflo J., Gandorfer A., Gisler D. (2003) Enigmatic Magnetic Field Effects in the Scattering Polarization of the Ca I 4227 Å line
- Ramelli R., Bianda M. (2003) He-D3 polarization observed in prominences
- Küveler G., Klein R., Bianda M. (2002) Automatische Erkennung und Registrierung von solaren Eruptionen (Flares)
- Küveler G., Wiehr E., Bianda M. (2002) Eine Computersteuerung und Nachführautomatik für Sonnenteleskope
- Bianda M., Stenflo J. (2001) Hanle Effect Observations in the UV with the Mg I Multiplet at 3829 - 3838 Å
- Cacciani A., Rapex P., Dolci M., Reale F., Landi E., Stenflo J., Bianda M., Moses D. (2001) Stokes profile measurements in each sodium D-line using single and dual band magneto-optical filters on board Solar Orbiter
- Wittmann A., Bianda M. (2000) Drift-Time Measurements of the Solar Diameter 1990-2000: New Limits on Constancy
- Mikhailutsa V., Wittmann A., Bianda M. (2000) Global inertial waves in the solar interior and small deformations of the solar figure
- Bianda M., Stenflo J., Solanki S. (1999) Observations of the Hanle effect in the CaI 4227 and SrII 4078 Å lines
- Balasubramaniam K., Bianda M. (1999) Simultaneous High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Photosphere and Chromosphere